Visiting Fellow.
Mangold Visiting Fellows.
About the Visiting Fellow program,
implemented in collaboration with the University of Melbourne:

About the program
Mangold Visiting Fellows are appointed by the University of Melbourne.
Visiting Fellows are appointed to conduct seminars and tutorials at the University of Melbourne in a subject area related to the objects of the Mangold Trust.
Mangold Scholars are often language professors specialists, or cultural experts, and use their fellowship to promote the benefit of languages in line with the wishes of Walter Mangold.
The Mangold Trust funds the selected Visiting Fellow at the University of Melbourne.
Visiting Fellow
A variety of scholars, specialists and academics from a range of countries and universities have come to the University of Melbourne to participate in the Mangold Visiting Fellow program.

2024. Professor Johanna Gehmacher
Professor, Department of Contemporary History.
University of Vienna, Austria.

2023. Professor Georgios (Yiorgos)Anagnostou
Professor and Director of the Modern Greek Program.
The Ohio State University, USA.

2022/23. Professor Santiago Fouz Hernandez
Professor, School of Modern Languages and Cultures.
Durham University, UK.

2019. Professor Aaron Gerow
Professor of Film Studies and of East Asian Languages and Literature.
Yale University, USA.

2019. Professor Joseph Lo Bianco
Professor of Language and Literacy Education.
Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Australia.

2017. Professor Jean-Marie Rouin
Professor of Literature.
University of Lyon (Saint-Etienne campus), France.

2016. Professor Saul Sosnowski
Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture.
University of Maryland, College Park, USA.

2015. Professor Ryuko Kubta
Professor of language and literacy education.
University of British Columbia, Canada.

2014. Professor Allen James Greico
Senior Research Associate of cultural history in Renaissance Italy.
Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Italy.

2013. Dr. Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Internationally recognised Indonesian writer, journalist and social commentator.
Jakarta Institute of Art, and other universities in Jakarta, Indonesia.

“…greater understanding and tolerance between the people of the world – and consequently a lessening of conflict – could be achieved through the study of other languages and cultures.”
Anne Marie Herzenberg on Walter Mangold